
  • Apparel is made-to-order and is fulfilled and shipped from Hong Kong.
  • It can take at least 4 weeks to make the product.
  • Registered post is $4 with tracking and can take 4 weeks to arrive.
  • A tracking number will be sent to you once the product is made and shipped out.
  • Free shipping is available for orders over $100 for Apparel only, as the fulfillment location is different.
  • If you order a pre-order item together with an in-stock item they will be shipped together when the pre-order item arrives. 

Prints & Stickers

  • Prints and stickers are fulfilled from Sydney, Australia. 
  • Within Australia, it takes 1-3 days for express and 5-7 days for standard.
  • International shipping times vary, but can take about 4 weeks or longer.
  • Tracked / Untracked shipping is available. For international orders tracking is recommended and starts at $22AUD.

Important note - Pastelaxy is not liable or responsible for any import taxes or customs due on your order.